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prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1735

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otwieram temat w którym chciałbym poszukać prawdziwych białych kruków,
jeżeli macie koledzy informacje o prawdziwych wyjątkach z czasów "złotego audio" to zapraszam ...
vintage audio
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1738

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a więc startujemy
na początek firma ACCUPHASE, jako ekskluzywna firma z ogromnym dorobkiem,

Accuphase M-1000

vintage audio
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1739

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Form Monophonic power amplifier
Continuation average output
(For 20Hz - 20kHz)
Normal Load Imp.Operation (0.01% of distortion) 4ohm: 1800W
8ohm: 1000W
16ohm: 500W
Low Load Imp.Operation (0.05% of distortion) 1ohm: 1600W
2ohm: 1100W
4ohm: 550W
THD 1-4ohm load: 0.05%
4-16ohm load: 0.01%
IM distortion 0.003%
Frequency response 20Hz - 20kHz, ±0dB (at the time of a continuation average output level control MAX)
0.5Hz - 150kHz, and +0 -3.0 dB (at the time of 1W output level control MAX)
0.5Hz - 80kHz, and +0 -3.0 dB (at the time of 1W output level-control 6dB)
Gain 28.0dB
Load impedance Normal Load Imp.Opaeration: 4-16ohms
Low Load Imp.Operation: 1-4ohms
Dumping factor 200(EIA 50Hz)
Input sensitivity
Normal Load Imp. Operation 3.56V (at the time of 8-ohm load and a continuation average output)
0.12V (at the time of 8-ohm load and 1W output)
Low Load Imp. Operation: 1.87V (at the time of 2-ohm load and a continuation average output)
0.06V (at the time of 2-ohm load and 1W output)
Input impedance Unbalance: 20kohm
Balance: 40kohm
S/N (A-compensation) 125dB (at the time of input short-circuit and a continuation average output)
95dB (at the time of input 1kohm and 1W output)
Analog type power output meter Logarithm compression peak display type
- 60dB - +3dB, and an output Direct-reading scale
Digital type power output meter
Form The true value display type of electric power
Display range It is a Direct reading about 0.001W-9,990W by range change.
Effective digit number 3.5 figures
Range 2:0. 001-1.999W
20:0. 01-19.99W
200:0. 1-199.9W
2000: 1-1,999W
10000: 10-9,990W
Accuracy Less than 2kW : 3% ±5 count
2kW or more : 3% ±50 count
Hold time 0.5 sticks, 3 seconds, 75 minutes, infinity
The semiconductor used 99Tr, 13FET, 31IC, 142Di
Power source 100V, 117V, 220V, 240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption At the time of no inputting: 120W+120W
Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law: 600W+600W
At the time of an 8ohm load Output power: 800W+800W
Dimensions the width 481x height 239(piece -- it includeds) x depth of 489mm
Weight 47.2kg
Option Fan for heat dissipation O-83 (10,000yen)
vintage audio
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1741

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firma Onkyo

Onkyo Integra A-711/150 + Onkyo Integra T-411 (cudo)

troch danych:

Onkyo Integra A-711/150

Form Integrated Amplifier
<Power amplifier part>
Circuit system Special pure contest whole page hardwired-connection D&D
Output power (1kHz) 8ohm: 75W+75W
4ohm: 100W+100W
Dynamic power (IHF 8ohm) 200W
THD (1kHz) 0.03% or less (at the time of an Output power)
0.03% or less (at the time of 10W output)
Power Band Width (IHF, -3dB, THD 0.2%) 10Hz - 100kHz
SN ratio (IHF A network) 110dB
Dumping factor (DC-20kHz, 8ohms) 80
Load impedance 4ohm-16ohm
Rated input voltage / impedance
(10Hz - 50kHz) 1V/100kohm
Gain 28.5dB
<Preamplifier part>
Input sensitivity/impedance Phono: 1.2, 2.4 or 4.8mV / 50kohm
Tuner, AUX, Play:100mV /, 100kohm
THD (1V, 1kHz) 0.03% or less
RIAA deflection Less than ±0.5dB
Maximum permissible input
(1kHz/10 kHz, Input-sensitivity 2.4mV o'clock) RMS:350mV/1.7V
S/N (IHF A network) Phono1, 2:75dB
Tuner, AUX, Play: 90dB
Tone control (2dB step type) Bass: ±10dB (100Hz, F.S.400Hz)
Treble: ±10dB (10kHz, F.S.2kHz)
Turnover frequency Bass: 125Hz, 400Hz
Treble: 2kHz, 8kHz
Light filter High: 5kHz, 20kHz, 12dB / oct
Low: 10Hz, 30Hz, 12 dB/oct.
Dimensions Width 490x height 182x depth of 460mm
Weight 24.5kg

Onkyo Integra T-411

Form FM tuner
Received frequency 76MHz - 90MHz
Sensitivity (an SN ratio of 30dB) 1.6 microvolts
Image ratio 110dB(83MHz)
IF stonewalling ratio 110dB(83MHz)
SN ratio (FM, IHF) 75dB
2 signal selectivity 85dB
AM supression ratio 56dB
Capture ratio 1.5dB
Distortion 0.2% or less (1kHz)
FM-ST separation 46dB(400Hz)
40dB (100Hz - 10kHz)
Frequency characteristic 20Hz - 15000Hz, and +0 -1 dB
Dimensions Width 490x height 138x depth of 373mm
Weight 11kg
Ostatnio zmieniany: 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago przez mareks.
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1742

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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1743

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i kolejna pozycja tej firmy rok 1974, 1975

ONKYO Integra T-455NII - tuner
ONKYO Integra D-655NII - crossover network
ONKYO Integra P-855NII - preamplifier
ONKYO Integra M-955NII//260 - power amplifier

i troche danych technicznych

ONKYO Integra T-455NII
Form FM/AM tuner
<FM tuner part>
Received frequency 76MHz - 90MHz
Sensitivity 1.7 microvolts (IHF)
3.0 microvolts (S/N50dB)
Image ratio 100dB(83MHz)
IF stonewalling ratio 110dB(83MHz)
SN ratio (IHF) 77dB
Spurious stonewalling ratio 110dB
2 signal selectivity (±400kHz detune) Normal:50dB
AM supression ratio Normal:57dB
Capture ratio Normal:1.0dB
distortion (400Hz)
mono Normal:0.08%
stereo Normal:0.1%
Frequency characteristic 20Hz-15000Hz+0 -0.5 dB
Antenna impedance 75ohm, 300ohm
Stereo separation
1kHz Normal:50dB
100Hz - 10kHz Normal:40dB
Carrier leakage -70dB
Output voltage (400Hz, 100% modulation) Variable: 0V-1V
Fixture: 450mV
Output load impedance (at the time of a variable output maxima) 5kohm
<AM tuner part>
Received frequency 535kHz - 1605kHz
Sensitivity 200 microvolt/m (bar antenna)
Image stonewalling ratio 50dB(1MHz)
IF stonewalling ratio 35dB(1MHz)
SN ratio 60dB
Distortion 0.5%(400Hz)
Output voltage (400Hz, 30% modulation) Variable: 0mV - 330mV
Fixture: 100mV
The semiconductor used IC: Ten pieces
Transistor: 57 pieces (FET: five pieces)
Diode: 34 pieces
Power source AC100V, 50Hz/60Hz
AC output Unswitched: One line (200VA)
Power consumption
(Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law specification) 21W
Dimensions Width 467x height 161x depth of 383mm
Weight 9kg

ONKYO Integra D-655NII
Form Electronic crossover network
Number of partitions 1-3 channel
Circuit system CR Active Filter(12dB/oct)
CR Passive Filter(6dB/oct)
Input Buffer, with Output Buffer
Cut-off frequency (Hz)
L. High Cut: 90, 125, 175, 250, 350, 500, 710, 1k
AUX1, 2 (Pass)
M. Low Cut: 90, 125, 175, 250, 350, 500, 710, 1k
AUX1, 2
M. High Cut: 710, 1k, 1.4k, 2k, 2.8k, 4k, 5.7k, 8k
AUX1, 2 (Pass)
H. Low Cut: 710, 1k, 1.4k, 2k, 2.8k, 4k, 5.7k, 8k
AUX1, 2
Slope property 6 dB/oct, 12dB / oct
Dumping fator (12 dB/oct) 0. 7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
Level 0--20.5dB (43 points)
Rated input 1V
Insertion loss - Less than 0.8dB
Input impedance 100kohm
Output load impedance 600ohms
THD (1kHz, 1V) 0.005% or less
S/N (IHF A network input shunt) 125dB or more
Transient killer operating time At the time of SW-ON: About 7 seconds
At the time of SW-OFF: About 0.5 second
The semiconductor used Transistor: 56 pieces
Diode: 47 pieces
AC output Switched: Two lines
Unswitched: One line
They are a total of 1100 VA three lines.
Power consumption (Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law specification) 18W
Dimensions Width 440x height 158x depth of 360mm
Weight 9.8kg
Option Wood case CW-6 (3,000yen)

ONKYO Integra P-855NII
Form Preamplifier
Input sensitivity/impedance Phono1:1.2, 2.4, 4.8mV/100, 50, 30kohm
Phono2:1.2, 2.4 or 4.8mV / 50kohm
Tuner, AUX1, 2, Play:100mV /, 50kohm
THD (at the time of 1V output 1kHz) 0.01%
Cross modulation distortion 0.05% or less (at SMPTE, the time of 1V output 70Hz:7kHz=4:1)
RIAA property (Phono1, 2) Less than 30Hz-15kHz±0.2dB
Less than 20Hz-20kHz±0.5dB
Frequency characteristic
(Tuner, AUX1, 2, Play) 15Hz-70kHz+0 -0.5 dB
10Hz-100kHz+0 -1.0 dB
Phono maximum permissible input
(2.4mV, T.H.D.0.1%) 1kHz(R.M.S.)
S/N (IHF-A network)
Input shunt Phono1, 2:75dB or more
Tuner, AUX1, 2, Play: 90dB or more
An Output voltage/impedance Output(at the time of a 100kohm load intensity): 1V (rate), 10V (maxima)/600ohm
Rec Out(Phono): 100mV (rate) / 12kohm
Tone control (2dB step type) Treble: ±10dB (10kHz and F.Shift 2kHz o'clock)
Bass: ±10dB (100Hz and F.Shift 400Hz o'clock)
Turnover frequency Treble: 2kHz, 8kHz, Defeat
Bass: 400Hz, 125Hz, Defeat
Loudness (volume 30dB location) + 5dB (70Hz), +3dB (10kHz)
Light filter High-Cut: 5kHz, 20kHz, 6dB / oct
Low-Cut: 50Hz, 10Hz, 12dB / oct
Muting - 10dB-20dB
Input/output polarity EQ-AMP: Inphase
Tone+Buffer-Amp: Inphase
Transient killer operating time At the time of SW-ON: About 7 seconds
At the time of SW-OFF: Start from 0.5 second.
The semiconductor used Transistor: 37 pieces
Diode: 40 pieces
light emitting diode: One piece
Power source AC100V, 50Hz/60Hz
AC output Switched: Three lines
Unswitched: One line

ONKYO Integra M-955NII//260
Form Stereo power amplifier
Output power (1kHz)
At the time of a first class operation : 28W+28W (8ohm)
39W+39W (4ohm)
At the time of the Class B operation : 130W+130W (8ohm)
170W+170W (4ohm)
20Hz - a 20kHz output (8 ohm, T.H.D.0.03%) At the time of a first-class operation: 28W+28W
At the time of the Class B operation: 130W+130W
Dynamic power (8 ohm, 1kHz) At the time of a first-class operation: 56W
At the time of the Class B operation: 310W
THD (T. H.D., 8 ohms, 1kHz) At the time of an Output power: 0.03% or less
At the time of 10W output: 0.03% or less
At the time of 0.5W output: 0.03% or less
Cross modulation distortion
(at SMPTE, the time of an Output power 70Hz : 7kHz = 4:1 or 8ohms) 0.05% or less
Power Band Width (IHF-3dB, T.H.D.0.3%, 8ohm) 10Hz - 100kHz
S/N (an IHF A network, an input shunt, 8ohm) 110dB or more
Dumping factor (DC-20kHz, 8ohms) 80 (8ohm)
40 (4ohm)
Load impedance 4ohm-16ohm
Input impedance (10Hz - 50kHz) 100kohm
Gain 26.7dB
Rated input voltage At the time of a first-class operation: 0.7V
At the time of the Class B operation: 1.5V
Output-terminal Speaker: Two lines (System1&System2)
The semiconductor used Transistor: 58 pieces
Diode: 60 pieces
light emitting diode: Four pieces
Power source AC100V, 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law specification: 210W
Maximum electric power consumption: 568W
Dimensions Width 440x height 158x depth of 370mm
Weight 19.8kg
Option Wood case CW-6 (3,000yen)

dane zaciagnałem z www.audio-database.com
Ostatnio zmieniany: 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago przez mareks.
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1744

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warto zagladnac do środka koncówki

chciałem nadmienić że znamy już jednego szczęśliwego posiadacza tunera T-4011, jest nim xwojtek
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1745

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i dopełnieniem tej firmy jest
gramofon ONKYO PX-100M

Form Linear motor system
Motor The main motor: Outer rotor DD scheme guided type linear motor
Auxiliary motor: High torque DC motor
Turntable Tough pitch pure-copper block shaving appearance, 33cm of diameters of a maxima
10kg of self-weights, inertial-mass 2000kg-cm2
Control system Quartz PLL control
Wow and flutter 0.005%
Rotational frequency 33 1/3, 45 or 78rpm
S/N 78dB or more (DIN-B, limit of measurement)
Startup property It is a convention rotation (startup booster using) at 1/2 round.
Braking method Plunger drive mechanical type
Conformity arm effective length Main-unit arm base: 229-283mm
At the time of an option arm base using: 235-312mm
Power consumption 55W
Dimensions Width 560x height 206x depth of 374mm (book-jacket included)
Weight 40kg
Option The arm base for long arms AB-100 (\62,000)
Ostatnio zmieniany: 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago przez mareks.
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1746

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jeszcze CD ONKYO DX-5 to bedzie juz wszystko z tej firmy, jak znacie coś ciekawego jeszcze to chetnie zobaczę i poczytam,


Form Digital-audiodisk player
<Scheme synopsis>
Performance time About 1 hour
Disk diameter 12cm
Track pitch 1.6 micrometers
Linear velocity (regularity) 1.2-1.4m/s
Rotational frequency About 200-500rpm
Disk thickness 1.2mm
Pickup Semiconductor laser scheme
The number of channels 2ch (4ch) correspondence
Sampling frequency 44.1kHz
Quantifying bit number 16-bit linear line
<Audio property>
Frequency characteristic 2Hz - 20kHz
S/N ratio 90dB
Dynamic range 96dB
Channel separation 80dB
THD 0.005%
Wow and flutter Quartz-crystal precision
Functionality Track number window / play time window (performance time)
Pickup position window
Search function
Memory play functionality
Fast forward (forward direction and reverse direction) operation
Pause functionality (suspend)
Dimensions Width 450x height 130x depth of 396mm
Weight 14.3kg
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O:prawdziwe BIAŁE KRUKI 13 lata 9 miesiąc ago #1749

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Revox B291/H9

Manufacturer: STUDER/REVOX, Germany
Drive type: MMD-engine, quartz direct drive
Platter: 2.1 kilograms, 313 mm diameter
Disk speeds: 33 1/3, 45 min
Speed adjustment: range + 9.9% adjustable
Synchronous fluctuations: + 0.005%
Rumble-foreign ratio: 50 dB
Rumble-noise ratio: 72 dB
Type of tonearm: tangential tonearm with servo-electric after control
Length of the tonearm: 42 mm
Minimum tracking force: 8-20 mN
Pickup: "ELAC D796H30"
Connecting cable and connectors: RCA (capacity: 220 pF)
Chassis dimensions: 449 x 142 x 395 mm, height open: 340 mm
Weight: 10 kg
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